Friday, November 14, 2014


Pancakes (for 4)

This is a recipe for homemade pancakes! Say no to store-bought pancake mix. It is the most simple recipe ever so hopefully you will like it as much as I do!! 


3 cups of flour 
3 cups of milk
3 eggs
(optionally banana)
(optionally vanilla extract)


A large bowl or blender 
A pan or a pancake maker (see below)
A ladle or spoon


1) Put all the ingredients in a bowl or a blender and mix them together. 
2) Place the mix on your pan or pancake maker-be careful to not put to much on.
3) Tilt your pan if the mix doesn't go all across
4) Flip your pancake and let it cook on the other side for a few minutes.
5) take your pancake off your pan or pancake maker.
6) (Most important) Serve and enjoy!!!

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