Friday, February 20, 2015

Mini Pizzas!

Mini Pizzas!!

This is a great and easy recipe to make delicious pizzas! How I got this recipe? One day I saw a pizza recipe so the next day I just made pizza. Easy and yummy!

Tomato sauce (home made or bought)
Any topping that you like


300g strong bread flour
1 tsp instant yeast
1 tsp salt
1 Tsp olive oil

An oven
A rolling pin
A spoon
A circle cookie cutter (preferably big)


1) Mix the ingredients for the dough together (preferably the dry first).
2) Kneed it into a dough and roll it out with the rolling pin .

3) Using the cookie cutters, cut circles in the dough. When there is not enough take all the excess and roll it out again.

4) Spread about a table spoon of tomato sauce on  each pizza.

5) Put on any topping then cover with cheese.

Image result for putting toppings on pizza
6) Grease a tray and put your mini pizzas on it. Cook in the oven until golden.

7) Enjoy!
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